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香港大學「悅聲」分享講座 "WeVoice" sharing lecture at the University of Hong Kong

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

風和日麗的星期三 (24/ 4) 早上,創科社到香港大學跟學生分享我們的工作及介紹我們研發的手提電話應用程式「悅聲」(WeVoice)。


1. 社會創新的概念及將科技用於有利社會大眾的事。 2. 人工智能的基本概念。 3. 將 API (Application Programming Interface - 應用程式介面) 用於手提電話應用程式研發的基本概念。 4. 手提電話應用程式中 OCR (Optical Character Recognition - 光學字符識別) 的應用。


On this Wednesday (24 April 2019), we got the chance to share with HKU students our vision and introduce our mobile app WeVoice, in a common core curriculum lecture at the University of Hong Kong. We talked about four main aspects related to our works including:

1. The concept of social innovation and the using of technology for social goods. 2. Basic concepts in artificial intelligence. 3. Basic concept of using application programming interface (API) in mobile app development 4. The working of optical character recognition (OCR) using mobile app

We thank students for joining and we very much appreciate their enthusiasm in the topic of social innovation.

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