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  • InnoSpire Technology Limited

STEM比賽指導 Mentorship for STEM competition

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

我們的創會主席蕭博士於2021至2022年曾應邀擔任「創新社會 - 社區4.0大賽」導師。舉辦此比賽目的在於推廣社會共融、及透過設計思維及創新社會策略,解決社區各種問題; 同時亦可親身體驗社會創新理念。蕭博士分享了自己於社會創科方面的經驗,並指導同學如何在STEM賽事中脫穎而出。他已在以下五間中學成立了指導小組:






From 2021 to 2022, our Founding Chairman, Dr. Siu has been invited as mentor in the Social Innovation Community 4.0 Competition. This competition aims to promote inclusiveness and solve problems in the community with design thinking and social innovation methods, and let participants gain first-hand experience of social innovation. Dr. Siu has shared his experience in technology social innovation and provided hints to the student on how to stand out in STEM related competitions. He has mentor teams from the following secondary schools:

True Light Girls' College

Canossa College

Cheung Chuk Shan College

S.T.F.A. Lee Shau Kee College

HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School

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