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  • InnoSpire Technology Limited

賽馬會社區創新智能共學計劃 - 人工智能應用挑戰日 AI Application and Challenge Day of the “HKJC AI Community Innovation"

Kelvin 很高興能夠和莊陳友先生及 MakerBay Foundation 行政總裁陳思朗先生一起於2022年9月成為「賽馬會社區創新智能共學計劃 - 人工智能應用挑戰日」的評審嘉賓。這計劃旨在透過一系列工作坊、研討會及比賽,提升青少年對人工智能的了解,並能學以致用,協助解決社會問題。Kelvin 期望將來能夠有更多類似的計劃,以業界的專業知識,培育更多創科人才,營造一個更美好、更先進社會。

In Sep 2022, Kelvin was glad to be one of the judges of the AI Application and Challenge Day of the “Jockey Club AI Community Innovation” Program with Mr. Chong Chan Yau and Executive Director of MakerBay Mr. Cyron Chan. Through a series of workshops, discussions and competitions, it aims to equip teenagers with concepts of AI technology and help them apply what they have learnt to solve social problems. Kelvin hopes that there will be more similar programs in the future. With our professional knowledge, we can nurture more innovation and technology experts, who will forge a better and more advanced society.

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